Good Shepherd Summer Camps 2025

Thank you for signing your child up for summer day camp at Good Shepherd Lutheran Church. More information will be provided the week prior to the start of camp.

For more information on summer camps visit or connect with Joanne Zastrow,

Child Information

Please complete one form for each child.
*This number will be used in case of emergency.
*This email will be used for Camp communication.
Please select one option.
*Please select your child's last completed grade at the time of camp. If your child completed 3-year-old preschool, please select, "No Grade." If your child completed 4K, please select, "Pre-Kindergarten."
Please select one option.
*for congregational purposes
Please select all that apply.
Please select all that apply.
Parent Information

Please select one option.
Please select all that apply.
Emergency Contact Information

Camp Information

Summer 2025 Camp Offering 

Kinder Creation Camp June 16-18, 9:00-10:30am, Age3-Completed Kindergarten, Verona Campus, $35 per child

Vacation Bible School (VBS)
June 23-26, 9:00-11:30am, Age 3-Completed 4th grade, Verona Campus, $45 per child

Camp Create It
 July 28-31, 9:00am-12:00pm, Completed Kindergarten-Completed 4th grade, Verona Campus, $60 per child

Rise Up Nights:
(1) June 17 (2) July 8 (3) July 22 (4) August 12,  6:00-7:30pm, Completed K-4th grades, $10 per child/per night, Verona Campus

Please select all that apply.
Please select one option.
Payment Information

Please select the appropriate payment option for the camp you are attending.
Volunteer Opportunities

We cannot run our camps without the support of volunteers. Volunteer options include, snack servers, crew leaders, activity/lesson leader, technology support. If you are interested in helping make this a great summer for our kids please leave your contact information. We will contact you to make specific arrangements. Thank you!
Please select all that apply.
*By typing your name here, you are signing this application electronically. You agree your electronic signature is the legal equivalent of your manual signature on this registration form.


Thank you for signing your child up for summer day camp at Good Shepherd Lutheran Church. More information will be provided the week prior to the start of camp.

For more information on summer camps visit or connect with Joanne Zastrow,